Saturday, May 5, 2012

Are Your Eyes Smiling?

Recently, while teaching a parenting class, I was reminded about this fascinating dynamic of communication: only 7% is verbal. That means that 93% of what you say has nothing to do with your words. We are saying more with our body language, facial expressions and tone of voice, etc. than with our actual words. One of the most effective ways to communicate your love and affection more effectively is by asking yourself, "How do I like to be spoken to?" If you appreciate affection, then give it. If a harsh voice makes you feel uncomfortable, then it probably does to those around you. If you feel better when your being smiled at, then smile! In fact, try an experiment. Take one day and smile at everyone you see. You'll be amazed at how many people actually smile back. A simple smile is a wonderful way to add joy to your day, and to someone else's. It may sound a bit ridiculous to some, but do you remember to smile at your own children? Moms and dads can be so caught up in the day's routine, that they forget to even make eye contact with their children, much less smile. And if you think that your kids are too 'little' to be affected by your non-verbal communication, think again. While discussing non-verbal communication in class, one participant shared a story with us about her toddler. Her little one encountered a certain man, and the little one didn't find this encounter very pleasant. Mommy said, "Oh, he was okay Sweetie. Remember he was smiling?"  The toddler replied, "Yeah, but his eyes weren't smiling!" Are yours?

 Smile - it increases your face value. -Author Unknown

Peace begins with a smile. -Mother Teresa

Everyone smiles in the same language. -Author Unknown

The shortest distance between two people is a smile. -Author Unknown 

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